This guy is a National Treasure! Non-stop moving and he will keep you laughing. Dugg is truly a delight! He loves tennis balls and treats!! He’s such a great size, too, so for someone looking for a medium size dog to take on an adventure, Dugg is certainly your guy!
In playgroups, Dugg had small spurts of being brave enough to play but did better in a 1-on1 situation with a female and when the group got larger, he ran and hid in the corner. Easily overwhelmed, his best play partner will be more gentle yet confident.
Doug came in as a stray, so we do not know a lot about him, but we do know that he is a joy and very happy dog. Come and meet your new best friend!
Visit Dugg’s Online Profile

Wake County Animal Shelter
820 Beacon Lake Dr.
Raleigh, NC, 27610
(919) 212-7387